Earth FM. A voice for the planet.
We began with the insight that throughout history, voices have had the power to create action. But today, it is our planet that needs a voice.

Our solution was EARTH FM – A global radio broadcast which invited people to record a voice message for world leaders about climate change, which would be broadcast for world leaders to hear at the Copenhagen Summit. With climate change feeling like such a huge problem for individuals, EARTH FM gave people of the world a very direct way to make a difference, by leaving a simple voice message.
Watch the case film.
The Earth FM website (UI)
All voice data was captured in symbolic silver earth orb...
then delivered to each world leader who attended the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit 2010.
Brand: World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Agency: Leo Burnett, Sydney, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Jay Benjamin Andy Dilallo
Copywriter: Michael Canning
Art Director: Kieran Antill
Design: Masataka Kawano
Account Supervisor: Sam McGown, Amanda Quested
Advertiser's Supervisor: Liz Potter
Account Manager: Sam McGown
Production Company: Sound Reservoir
Producer: Stephanie Brown
Developer: Nick McGrath
Interface Developer: Keong Seet
Digital Creative Director: Kieran Ots

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