Thoughtography - an innovative installation that visualised your unique perspective on art at the NGV. Andy Warhol x Ai Weiwei exhibition.
An experience at the crossroads of art and science as the meeting place for innovative thinking. For this we partnered with the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) and brought the powerful thinking of La Trobe University’s Neuroscience department to the public as an integrated part of the Andy Warhol and Ai Weiwei exhibition.
View the case film.
‘Thoughtography’ showed people how their individual brains experienced art - this didn’t just become part of the exhibition - it greatly enhanced it. We used EEG (electroencephalogram) headsets while visitors looked at artworks by Andy Warhol and Ai Wei Wei in a controlled environment and displayed the results live using an IP algorithm which beautifully represented each person’s unique brain activity – ultimately promoting the radical thinking that is happening at La Trobe University.
- Over 2000 participants created ‘Thoughtographs’ & registered email addresses.
- 62,000 attendees viewed the experience.
- 4 week installation extended to 18 weeks due to overwhelming demand.
- High engagement at La Trobe Thoughtography website: 4min avg per visit.
- Social brand monitor data currently being determined but early stats make this
- La Trobe Universities largest social engagement campaign in its history.
- Approved by artist Ai Weiwei as an integral addition to the exhibition.

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