First shown in London in 2011 with COMODAA galleries. This charcoal series was inspired by the early silent film entitled 'King and Queen, the Great High Diving Horses' (1899) based on a circus act that saw horses trained to dive with a rider from heights as great as 60 feet into the Atlantic ocean.
Kieran Antill in Studio '10 (Photography by Simon Harsent)
2010. Falling Horses: Zora, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 1200 x 900mm.
2010 Falling Horses: Sorai, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 1200 x 900mm.
2010. Falling Horses: Noa, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 1200 x 900mm.
Kieran Antill in Studio '10 (Photography by Simon Harsent)
2010. Falling Horses: Noel, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 800 x 650mm.
2010. Falling Horses: Chloe, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 800 x 650mm.
SOLD 2010. Falling Horses: Camiro, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 1200 x 900mm.
SOLD 2010. Falling Horses: Nico, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 500 x 500mm.
2010. Falling Horses: Brue, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 500 x 500mm.
2010. Falling Horses: Rayo, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 800 x 650mm.
SOLD 2010. Falling Horses: Leonie, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 800 x 650mm.
2010. Falling Horses: Rico, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 500 x 500mm.
SOLD 2010. Falling Horses: Mia, Pigment & Gesso on Linen. 500 x 500mm.
Kieran Antill in studio '10

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